We’ve featured Street Fighter for the Amiga a number of times now, each one showing a “what if” of what Street Fighter 2 would like on the Amiga if it was ported properly, for example one person is quoted as saying for the original Street Fighter 2 as “Shockingly Bad”. So here we are with another showing, but unlike the other ones we’ve featured previously, this one is a downloadable 18/10/2022  tech demo which can be downloaded thanks to our good friend NeesoGames!

This too looks like a non completable project as NeesoGames are quoted as saying in brief “We attempted to recreate a simple combat for testing purposes using the Scorpion Engine and it came out very promising. Even thou there is no intention to continue working on it, here’s a new tech demo to celebrate 1 year after the previous release with the following changes: Screen mode changed to EHB allowing perfect sprite coloring, background replaced with the SNES version (more accurate proportions), a new copper sky, an optimized panels palettes, and optimized sounds”.

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