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As a video gamer for many years now, I am probably like most other people who pursue a particular interest or hobby: I want to share the joys of my pastime with the people I love. I am always looking for games that my wife might like playing with me, for example, because I want her to experience these joys for herself. At the least, I hope it might help her understand a little better why playing games means so much to me. When I heard that the Game Boy Advance’s WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! was being converted into a GameCube party game, I figured it would present the perfect opportunity to bring an honest dose of classic gamer joy to my casual-gamer loved one.

A few months earlier, I’d borrowed a copy of the GBA version of WarioWare, and I was blown away. Never before had I played a game that was so accessible and familiar, yet at the same time so novel and inventive. The relentless flow of variety was intoxicating, and the mini-games themselves all felt so natural; so native, even. I never stopped to wonder why I felt this way. The day the GameCube version was released, I was jittery with excitement as I finally powered up the console and my wife turned on the Wavebird. I couldn’t wait for her to experience the chaotic thrill ride of rapid-action mini-games, just as I had on the on the handheld. I couldn’t wait to see her swept away, as I had been, in a deluge of nostalgia and innovation.

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