Vic Sage has produced podcasts since 2013. His signature podcast (that I enjoy), “Diary of an Arcade Employee”, began in 2015. Since then, he has changed from the Retroist, to his own Pop Culture RetroRama site, and has since brought the podcast out of the mothballs to complete dozens of podcasts. His material primarily covers arcade games, but he has also more recently covered retro home console games and more.
OSG: As is required with all good tales, tell us your video game origin story.
Vic Sage: I was first introduced to video games by way of the local bowling alley. I can vividly recall playing the likes of Atari’s Firetruck, Starship 1, and Cinematronic’s Space Wars, to name a few. While I most assuredly enjoyed bowling, there came a point when knocking down the pins took a backseat to having the opportuni-ty to play video games. While right from the start I was drawn to video games, it wasn’t until I first stepped up to Tatio’s Space Invaders at the Skate Place that I truly became a video game fanatic – that was when I started doodling those invaders from the cabinet’s side art on my homework or any blank piece of paper I could get my hands on.
Then in 1980 I had the opportunity to start playing Pac-Man… and not just at the Skate Place, but the local gas station, grocery store, and pizza place too, as we didn’t have an official arcade in my neck of the woods until around ’80 (a small place called Games People Play). That was where my father generally took me to visit on a Saturday afternoon before we headed to the nearby movie theater. This arcade was also where I first played one of my favorite arcade games..
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