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I Want My Mommy
Atari 2600

If the box featuring a crying teddy bear on the cover doesn’t pull on your heartstrings, you’re a cruel individual indeed! Teddy has had a bad dream, a nightmare actually, and he wants the comfort that only a  mother can offer.

To reach his mommy and safety, Teddy must ascend “magical stardust ladders” traversing two big mountains. The path is treacherous and danger lurks in the form of dream demons, which must be avoided unless Teddy can catch one of his mother’s floating kisses, which will grant him the courage and strength to temporarily destroy his adversaries.

Reach the first peak to discover an enormous red apple complete with a similarly enormous giant wiggling worm. Reach the second mountaintop and be rewarded with a  big bear hug from your mommy! (whew)



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