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I’ll never forget the first time I played Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, a Ghosts ‘n Goblins spinoff developed by the US-based Capcom Digital Studios and released for the PS2 in February of 2002 (December of 2001 in Japan). It was the summer of 2002, and I booted it up in our game room, with my young son Ryan and his neighborhood friend Tommy looking on. I had heard the game was a throwback to old-school platformers. I was told that it was a pure, challenging, largely linear platformer that was all about the action. As such, I rushed out to GameStop and bought a copy.

The game, which features 30 stages spread over five worlds, begins in The Boneyard, and I was immediately sold on the gameplay as I guided Maximo while he hacked skeletons to pieces, opened treasure chests, destroyed tombstones, encountered ghosts…

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