If you have an Amstrad CPC 128k or even a GX4000 then you are going to love this latest news story that’s just been sent to us by XeNoMoRPH! As thanks to the hard work of Amstrad GGP, at some point soon you’ll be able to play the eagerly awaited ‘Mighty Street Fighter’; A rather unique looking version of Street Fighter which looks to be using a similar character design to that of the chibi art style NES game of ‘Mighty Final Fight’ which was released in 1993! In light of this news announcement, and no this is not an April Fools joke, we’ve also been sent a new trailer of the game which can be viewed below.

While we don’t have an exact date for the game’s release other than 2023, from what we know so far going by all the information that’s been shared either through the cpcwiki forums or twitter, is the game will have eight playable characters such as those from the original game Ryu, and Guile, have multiple stages which have been teased in the trailer above, a multitude of fighting styles to use and yes even “hadouken”. And that’s all we know so far, but as as soon as we know more, we promise to give you all the heads up straight away.

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