Don’t get me wrong I do love a new game for a retro system such as the Amstrad or C64, but when it comes to my chunky handheld the Gameboy, it’s really feeling a little left out. So to change all that for a weekend news story, here’s a new game with the Gameboy in mind, it’s RED: a GameBoy inspired RPG Adventure by DerpyDooDesigns that can be played in your browser whether on a computer or mobile device (Although I have been told it may also be coming to a real Gameboy using a Flashcard too!).

While the website description about the story is certainly a long one, to keep it brief on Indie Retro News, here’s what you’ll experience when you play RED “The game is inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. The player can farm, fish and mine to gather resources. You can sell them for money or use them in crafting weapons and equipment to fight monsters in combat, combat shall be similar to the older Legend of Zelda games, with real time top down action, and finally there’s even a conspiracy of which you must uncover “

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