Classic Gamer Magazine December 2000 22 Hi there rat fans! I asked Chris if I could come aboard CGM to provide reviews for Commodore 64 (C64) games. He willfully and respectfully welcomed me without questions. The finalization, though, came through a very short time before the deadline of this issue.

I want to make this section as thorough as possible, and have a few things in mind as time goes along. With the time I had available for this issue, I just wanted to introduce myself as what I am—a gamer, and more importantly, a 64 gamer, and thus, the position I have given to myself, and Chris has granted. I promised Chris that I would do the best job I can do, and I am sure all of you will agree I will deliver.

Now, I am objective when it comes to reviewing or analyzing anything in gaming, or for that matter, anything in general. I want this to be kept in mind while reading my reviews. Here we go! – Read the rest of the article here from Classic Gamer Magazine (courtesy of Old School Gamer)!

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