As humans, we think too much. We alone among all creatures KNOW we are going to DIE. This is because our analytical minds are too smart. There’s something wrong with everything if you analyze it enough. Thinking causes pain. Thinking drives you insane. The more something makes you think, the worse it probably is.
Lucky for us, we can use recreation to fight against the evils of thought. Traditionally, we’ve had sex, drugs,
and rock ‘n roll. Then came video games. They don’t have the dangers of sex. They aren’t as addictive as drugs. And they give you something to do while listening to rock ‘n roll. Video games started out simple and fun. Then they got less simple… and less fun. Nowadays, some of them are so complicated that you actually have to think. The more something makes you think, the worse it probably is. – Read the rest of the article here from Classic Gamer Magazine (courtesy of Old School Gamer)!
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