Just a quick note during the weekly Friday Knapp Arcade Happy Hour (TM) to let everyone know that in addition to the 344 pinball machines that I mentioned here earlier this morning, the Golden State Pinball Festical now has 4 more…

2 Stern Pinball John Wick Pros

2 Pedretti Gaming FunHouse Remakes, one Classic and one LE

The newest games on the block. So get over there and play them!

Cheers from Happy Hour 🙂

Knapp Arcade Knapp Arcade (9 Posts)

Knapp Arcade is website and social media pages that long-time enthusiast Jason Knapp uses to share the current happenings in the world of pinball and arcades and pictures of games with his 17,000 Facebook followers, 7,500 Instagram followers and 100,000 monthly website visitors