When it comes to gaming among teens and young adults, there are always quite controversial opinions on this matter. Some find it natural and don’t really mind. Others claim that video games are too distracting and, thus, there should be no (or very little) space for them in students’ lives. And some even believe that video games cause violence and plenty of other mental issues in young people.

But why do students still love video games so much? You might be surprised, but there are quite a few reasons and benefits video games offer to youth. Read on, and we will tell you why students love gaming!

Dopamine Release

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter released in the brain when humans do something pleasurable or fun. So it’s not hard to guess that by playing their favorite games, students have their dopamine levels go up. Numerous studies link gaming to high dopamine release, which basically is the main reason why students love this kind of activity so much – they get more dopamine released into their brains, feel happier, and want to keep playing to get another “hit” of dopamine.

Now, before you think that it is a bad thing, it’s worth noting that higher dopamine release decreases one’s levels of stress and anxiety. Therefore, by playing video games, students can ease their daily stress and achieve relaxation. From this perspective, we can say that it would be beneficial for students to turn to the top essay writing service DoMyEssay to write my papers to get more time for gaming, especially when they are at their highest levels of stress.

Social Connection

Apart from dopamine release, video games also provide students with opportunities for socialization. There is no secret that many students (of different ages) can find it hard to fit in and make new friends in real life. For them, video games can be a real refuge to find same-minded people and connect with them.

The opportunity for socialization is a huge benefit of video games. However, on the other hand, it might also have a few drawbacks. While it’s surely great if students can easily connect with each other and build new friendships, experts say that students who struggle socially in real-life and solve this problem by making online friends may never learn how to fit in in real-life settings. Therefore, there should be a good balance between virtual and real-life social connections.

Creativity and Imaginative Play

When we are younger, we are very fond of imaginative play. If you observe younger kids, you can notice them imagining whole new worlds and lives in their everyday games. They build castles, pretend to be fictional characters, and unleash their creativity to the maximum. However, when they grow older, there becomes less space for this kind of play. And then they find it in video games.

There are tons of retro and modern video games to match any liking. Some take place in real and fantasy settings, others lure in players through interesting characters, and there is always an exciting story behind each plot. Video games basically give students a chance to continue imaginative play. And there is a big benefit behind it. According to studies, young people who play video games regularly perform better on creative tasks. In addition, they demonstrate higher levels of thinking outside the box and curiosity.

Development of Different Skills

Speaking about the benefits of video games, we can’t avoid mentioning how playing them can help students develop various skills.

For example, young people develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills when playing strategy games and arcades. Students can also develop better visual-spatial skills when playing games set in 3D virtual worlds, like Minecraft. That is, it can help them better understand the concepts of space and distance in the future. When playing games in languages different from their native, kids can also acquire a second language.

There are many other examples like this. All in all, we can say that gaming can really give space for acquiring and honing many different skills.

Competition and Rewards

One more reason why students love playing video games so much is that such activities are highly competitive. Pretty much any game has some sort of competition and rewards system. Immersing themselves in a competitive setting, young people learn goal-setting, purposefulness, and obstacle-overcoming. Thus, they can become more confident and learn to achieve their goals through work and dedication.

On top of that, video games offer rewards for different accomplishments. They can come in the form of tokens, skins, and many other gaming elements. Such reward systems are what makes video games so addictive.

The Bottom Line

Looking at studies on how much time students spend playing video games, you can probably say that it’s a major distraction from studies and real life. Indeed, video games can be very addictive. However, at the same time, video games can offer quite a few real benefits to young gamers. And now, you know about some of the biggest perks of gaming for students.

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