It’s hard to say wether or not 2021 will be looked back on fondly yet. Sure things have gotten a little better since the pandemic began, but things are still not completely the same. However us Retro gamers got some good and bad surprises throughout the year....
Analogue, king of FPGA, has, at last, pulled the trigger on a handheld to dominate over all rivals. The Analogue Pocket is, naturally, powered by FPGA (so, no emulation here) and out of the box will play Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance cartridges. The...
You may recall a mention of the DAC in a post I wrote last month about 32X support on Analogue’s Mega Sg console – well, it appears that Analogue has finally pulled the trigger on pre-orders for the device that they’ve been teasing since last year. So, what it...