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RetroSouls are certainly no strangers to many in the retro gaming scene, especially as they have released very enjoyable games such as GLUF, Old Tower, Twinlight, Alter Ego, and even Tourmaline for the ZX Spectrum. Well today after trawling through the latest Twitter updates, we have found out that the same people behind those awesome games, have now released their high quality ZX Spectrum game called ‘Tiny Dungeons’; a game in which they say is a small roguelite experiment for the 128k speccy!

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Although I haven’t had the chance to play this nice looking game as I’m currently recovering from the Flu, from what I have experienced from RetroSouls in the past in terms of homebrew development, it’s sure to be equally enjoyable, full of enemies to defeat, items to collect, different areas to fight, and all of this available for the ZX Spectrum 128k with a great soundtrack. So yes certainly a nice piece of news for Tuesday and more so that it is another ZX Spectrum game to enjoy!

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