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Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Greg Mott, who is displayed on card number 34, from the Superstars of 2011.   Greg has been around the gaming scene since 1999 when he joined UKvac group on line and first met up with other UK collectors.  He holds a record on the Buster Bros. Arcade game with a score of 2,228,150.  Not only is Greg a major competitor for arcades in home country of England, he also competes in pinball tournaments and is highly regarded as one on the greatest gaming competitors  in England.

Do you prefer playing video games alone, against friends or online against the world and why?

Definitely most fun is with others around and for console gaming is the only way to play with others.  Just don’t get the online model as was always accustomed to playing with others in the same room and a lot more fun interacting that way than with someone you don’t always know remotely.  Even the classics are more fun to play as a double and watch others.

Do you remember your first video game / arcade you played and what do you remember about it?

Must be Pong and first memory is from the Isle of Wight ferry!  First game that got me hooked was Galaxian as it had a joystick and most of the Space Invaders machines at the time had buttons which initially I couldn’t get the hang of.

What games today do you play and what are your favorite genres of games?

Pinball primarily, some arcade classics and Wii games with my son.  Favorite genre is the classics from my youth i.e. 79-84.

What are your opinions about today’s generation of video games?  How do you compare them to older, classic games?

I’m just not into modern games as don’t have the patience for long games and also suffer from motion sickness with FPS view.  I guess to some extent I was never keen on the adventure type games from BITD and they’ve evolved into today’s games.  I do still enjoy more immediate games and do play some wii games with my son.  I much prefer the simplicity of the classics and the score chasing rather than goal orientated aspect. Classics are still very challenging, some of which I think is lost in modern games. Maybe partly due to what I grew up with and am used to

Did you ever think when you were younger you would be on a Video game Trading card? 

I would never have imagined there would even be such a thing.  I used to collect football cards in the 70s so have some experience with colleting cards but could never have contemplated being on the other side.  Kind of cool:)

When did you first meet Walter day and where was it at?

At CGE UK, Croydon 2005.  Was awesome to meet Walter as have read a lot about him.  One of my aims that day was to achieve a score on Robotron, my favorite game and was delighted that I beat my best ever Tournament settings score on the day.   Was presented with a certificate by Walter which made my day:) Also shared a car journey to the airport from Funspot in 2007.  Walter was very entertaining and shared some great stories.

If you could describe Walter Day in one word, what would that word be?


Do you prefer PC or Console gaming and why?

Console but as mentioned earlier only really like the more arcade style shorter games.

If you could own one arcade game or pinball game, what would it be and why?

Robotron, my all-time fave game.  Such a challenge and so intense.

Which console company is your favorite and why?  Nintendo, Sony, Sega, or Microsoft?

None of them really representing my lack of interest in modern games.  If had to choose I’d have to say Nintendo but only because my son loves them.

Are video games aimed mainly at children, adolescents or adults?

All in their own ways.

Which company makes the best games and why?

Again, I’d have to refer back to my era in the arcade of early 80s and have to say Williams for arcade games of early 80s with honorable mention to Atari (but only for arcade games not home systems).

Do you learn anything from playing video games?

Concentration, co-ordination and strategy along with the balance between risk and reward.

Are video games good for relieving stress?

Yes a good way to forget about the day to day hassles but sometimes you  can come away from a game more frustrated when it just won’t come together for you and the game just kicks your ass.

Do you like it when Hollywood makes a film from the video game?

Yes, in theory but in practice they could always be so much better, example: Pixels, arcade scenes were great, but the rest was absolutely appalling, cringeworthy and one of the absolute worst films I’ve seen!  In Ready Player One they dropped most of the classic arcade references and changed a lot of the quests for the worst IMO.  Can understand to an extent because they wanted to appeal to everyone but in doing so lost so much of the excellence of the book.  So, in summary love that video games are involved on the big screen but almost always leave you disappointed.

Who is your favorite video game character and what makes that character special?

Pacman.  One of the first characters and iconic.

Of these five elements video games, which is the most important to you and why?  Gameplay, Atmosphere, Music, Story, Art style

Gameplay.  Art and music can help or detract if really poor but gameplay above anything.

Do you find boss battles to be the best part of a video game?

No and sometimes unnecessary.  Guess they feature in the type of games that appeal less to me.  You can probably tell I’m quite specific with my preferences when it comes to video games!!

What is your favorite singe player game and favorite multiplayer game?

Robotron and Track and Field (PlayStation One was most fun) but the arcade version was groundbreaking.

Are you still involved with gaming today, and what role do you play?

I’m heavily involved in the UK pinball scene.  Up until recently I was in charge of the UK pinball league and also UK Championship Series but have handed over the roles as wanted to take a step back and let someone else have the opportunity having run the league for 10 years.

I also travel to Europe to compete in some of the pinball competitions there and attend most of the UK ones (all if you ask my wife!).  Videos have taken a back seat since I’ve got the pinball bug but do enjoy the odd game from time to time especially Robotron still.

Where do you see Video gaming in the next 20 years?

On the way towards the VR interactive model in Ready Player One.

This is one of an ongoing series of articles based on the Walter Day Collection of e-sports/video gaming trading cards – check out more information at thewalterdaycollection.com.