Once your classic cartridge collection reaches a certain size, you’ll discover you’re finding few new cartridges at thrift stores. In order to “get their fix,” so to speak, many collectors start collecting label variations to keep their number of “finds” up. “Label variations” simply means different types of labels on the same game.
For Colecovision cartridges, this might mean the difference between the labels saying the cart is “for Cole- covision” and saying it’s “for Cole-covision & ADAM.” For Intellivision, it’s probably the difference between the colorful Mattel labels and the black and white Intellivision, Inc. labels, which also featured slight name changes to avoid licensing fees (e.g. “Football” instead of “NFL Football”). For the Atari 2600, it’s more complicated. – Read the rest of the article here from Classic Gamer Magazine (courtesy of Old School Gamer)!
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