Even more Amiga news now! As we’ve just been contacted by Saberman that Zbych Zbigniew Ross author of Yoomp!64, is also working on an Amiga port of the game, which is more catered for users owning an Amiga OCS or above with minimum 14MHz processor, and “some” (not precised) Fast RAM memory. Now some of you might remember this game, that’s because Yoomp! 64 was not only released in 2018 by RGCD and Psytronik Software on the C64, as a port of the fantastic Atari XE/XL game, but there is also an AGA version in the works that will be released later this year.

Video Link for Mobile Users

Although you can read a more detailed description through the forum link below just as before. The creator Zbych Zbigniew Ross has said the full version will not only feature 27 levels, but 32 tile types, 3 backgrounds, 5 color themes, graphical design by ILKKE, 2 soundtracks with music by MCH, and will soon be available through RGCD targeting low end Amigas such as the A500+512 slow ram. So yes if your Amiga isn’t capable of running the AGA version, look out for this one is it still looks a ton of fun even on an Amiga 500!

Links :1) Forum 2) Yoomp! AGA

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