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Wrestling fans! Tomorrow marks the release of Action Arcade Wrestling on the Nintendo Switch! I’ve gotten the opportunity to play an advance copy of this game, and so far I’m having a lot of fun with it. To me, it feels like a mix of WWF WrestleMania the Arcade game with a mix of WWF No Mercy. How do we get that combination? Well some of the characters are moves are quite outlandish from a presentation point of view, but the weak/strong grapple setup reminds me of No Mercy. Expect a full review in the coming days to get the complete scoop on if this game is the main event of pro-wrestling games!

It’s finally time to bring the wrestling action Switch fans have been clamoring for – Action Arcade Wrestling! Featuring over 25 playable game modes, choose from over 30 mighty characters and prepare to be amazed at the fast over-the-top wrestling action sizzling at 60 FPS – even in handheld mode!