Originally released in 1993 for the Amiga by Thalion Software, Ambermoon was the second part of an unfinished trilogy and sequel to Amberstar that was only released in Germany. In was an incredible RPG for its time, and featured 3D graphics that were considered revolutionary for the Amiga, but sadly for the company it couldn’t save them from collapse. Well today’s news is another special heads up for fans of this great game, as Pyrdacor has released the latest Ambermoon.net update of version 1.5.0: An open source Linux, Mac, Pi4 and Windows remake of this fantastic CRPG.
Do note however even though the game is still in a development stage by Pyrdacor, and many people such as Metallic, Hexaae, Maynef who have been diagnosing and fixing bugs in the Amiga version available (HERE). This latest remake that has been updated to 1.5.0 not only features the previous improvements such as improved 3D performance, bug fixes and text improvements, but it now features graphical goodies, a custom music option, 10 battle speed levels, an option to turn off ceiling/floor textures, quickload, shortcuts for item use and equipping, bugfixes and yes even Ambermoon-Advanced; an unofficial extension of Ambermoon!
Links :1) Source 2) Ambermoon Advanced