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Rolling into town late on a Friday night, we didn’t know what to expect about the accommodations set up for us by Ryan of the Illinois Game Con. I had checked out the website for Arcadia (vintagevideogames.com) and it looked really cool. I was told we were staying above the arcade in some level of a suite but I had no idea what I was in for. We approached the town from what turned out to be the quiet side (as opposed to the state highway side that we found the next morning) and everything was quiet.

We got the door code out for entrance and went up to saying hi to our friends in the industry that would be staying with us: Tim Kitzrow, Paul Niemeyer, Paul Zimmerman, and Walter Day. Impressed with the place, but too tired to get excited, we crashed for the night knowing we had to get up at 6 am. We rolled out of town at 6:30 am, we went to the Illinois Game Con, 15 minutes away (for coverage of the Illinois GameCon see the July 2023 issue of OSG), but it was after the con  that it got to be major fun!

Read the rest of this article on page 60 by clicking here!




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