Made In Japan: Elevator Action

Made In Japan: Elevator Action

Elevator Action was one of my favorite games as a kid. I used to remember going to a diner with my folks and playing the game after we ate. I loved being a secret agent trying to go around to find documents in a building swarming with bad guys. While there have been a...
Made in Japan: Bangai-O

Made in Japan: Bangai-O

Most everyone in the classic gaming community knows of the Japanese game developer Treasure and their impeccable track record for making some of the best action games to ever grace a video game console (and even a candy cab or two). So this being an article on...
Hidden Gems: Total Recall

Hidden Gems: Total Recall

According to the June 1990 issue of Videogames & Computer Entertainment, Acclaim took an unexpected turn in the development of the Nintendo Entertainment System version of Total Recall. It commissioned Interplay to transform the expected summer blockbuster into...

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