As an Amiga owner and a fan of homebrew releases I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable Lemming880’s platformer ‘ Boxx 2 ‘ and ‘ Boxx 3 ‘ was on the Amiga system, especially with added bright and bold colourful detail by Koyot1222. Both of these games were developed using backbone and required you the player to collect as many coins as possible, while avoiding deadly traps, killing bad bosses and aiming to reach the exit to complete the level.. So why are we mentioning these games again? Well check out the latest update below and you’ll find out why :).

Thanks to the latest of heads up from Saberman, we have been informed that Lemming880 isn’t just working on the sequel of Boxx 4, which is being developed using Earok’s Scorpion engine, but as of today you can download a new update of the first Boxx(video) game by the same creator! A game which has been remade and upgraded to the latest Scorpion Engine v2023.0 Final with 8-11% increase in performance, as well as faster responding menu: less loading screens, and finally player and boss shooting sounds changed to original!

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