The original Chaos Engine was an incredible game released in 1993, and developed by the very famous Bitmap Brothers. It was a well known title that at its core, was for the Amiga in which one or two players battled in a top down shooter genre against the evil creations of the titular Chaos Engine. With four landscapes to traverse and weapons to use it was an extremely popular game on any system. But today’s news is a possibility, as this classic game *could* be coming to the C64 as a tribute by Marvin Hardy.

So far we don’t have much information to go on and if it’s going to be turned into a full game, but here’s the latest from the twitter feed which can be found linked here. ” C64 ‘The Chaos Engine’ – Updates this week include.. New title screen (character based), Re-worked enemy bullets and animation, Added silver coins, Player flash when hit, tweaks to player pic on scoreboard and added bullet-miss animation – progress”. And that’s all we have so far, but as ever as soon as we know more we will of course let you all know.

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