If you’re looking for a new NES game to try and want one to satisfy your retro gaming needs, then make sure to check out John Vanderhoef’s latest game of ‘Crater Song’. A game in which the creator describes as a short, single-player co-op adventure puzzler that is inspired by the game Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. To coincide with this news that was sent to us by Liqmatrix, we’ve got some new footage and information about the game below.

“Crater Song is a short, single-player co-op adventure puzzle game for the 8-bit NES based within the sci-fi fantasy world of Orebody. In this unique NES game, players hold controllers 1 AND 2 sideways, like Wii-motes, and control two characters simultaneously, the twins Arco and Menuett. Crater Song is inspired by the game Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. The game was initially developed for the NESMaker Byte-Off IV competition. The completed version is available to download here for free for use via emulation or on original NES or NES-compatible hardware”.

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