Some more retro goodness for you all to get you through the last day of 2021, as we’ve recently found out through Saberman, that a rather interesting looking game has been released for the ZX Spectrum called ‘CRONOPIOS Y FAMAS’. This game available to download through itch io is a game that is not only inspired by some short stories from Julio Cortázar’s Cronopios and Famas, Cronopios Y Famas. But it is a dynamic adventure in which you have to guide a cronopio, a strange, offbeat and a little wacky being, back to his home.

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Furthermore according to the website. “You will have to use the objects found along the way and interact with the other characters, but beware of Esperanzas, beings who do not like Cronopios and never miss an opportunity to give them a few beats! Cronopios Y Famas is an interactive tribute to Cortázar and draws on the surreal humor of the original stories. For those who don’t know them, however, the puzzles might be quite tricky. For this reason, a complete solution and a map are included with the game.”

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