We’ve featured Galaga on Indie Retro News a number of times already, there was the Atari 2600 port, the excellent demake on the Amiga by Pink and Fade One and then the more recent C64 release by Arlasoft. Well fast forward to today however and there’s another Galaga style game that may be of interest to anyone owning an MSX, as GameCast Entertainment has released their Galaga/Space Invaders mash up of Defence for the MSXdev22 competition.

For those of you who want to know what this game is about, here is the description from the excellent MSXdev competition website. “The game Defence lets you defend your space base with a hypersonic gun blazing space ship. When aliens invade your space, what do you do? Exactly, you take out your biggest cannon and blast those invaders to smithereens first, and ask questions later. Granted – they don’t come in peace, but they damn sure will leave in pieces! Take your space ship and maneuver it around your base, to shoot incoming celestial baddies while avoiding their return fire. But be careful, as death is just one bomb away.”

Links :1) Source 2) Play Online

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