The upcoming Doom clone of ‘Dread’ has been featured many times on Indie Retro News, as with every new update the Amiga 500 and Atari ST version looks better than ever with noted changes as fabulous new textures and new zones to visit. Well if you’re looking for more gaming news on this upcoming game, then thanks to a heads up by Saberman, he has told us that the in-development project by KK/Altair has just been teased with an early look at the library section that has been done by Zero Senki.

Here is what the Patreon page describes about this latest video for Dread “”Word has it that an ancient library buried underground contains works on non-Euclidean geometry, magic and other esoteric topics. You get your trusty concussion pistol and make the trip to the industrial sector of Germany only to find that the alien PMCs have broken in first and have used some magic to seal some doors with their keys. Crash their party and show up on the other side.” A short, fast-hitting map suited for the rush and team tactics the enemies of Dread employ. Easy, Medium, and Hard spawns are available for your skill level”.

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