We’ve just received some rather interesting news from a good friend of ours, especially if you’ve got a C64 or emulator at hand, as if you loved playing the classic game of Gradius/Nemesis; a side scrolling shoot-em-up that was originally released as a Japanese coinop way back in 1986. Then make sure to check out eryngi’s latest homebrew tease of Farawaydius: A very tiny Gradius inspiration which was previewed during the Only Sprites Compo 2022! To coincide with this news, Saberman has done a short gameplay video which can be viewed below.


Now if you remember that classic game of Gradius then you might like this version of the game as a preview by eryngi, as although it’s not for every one with its micro playable screen size, at its roots it’s still an enjoyable inspiration with waves of enemies to defeat, classic sound effects, SID music and all of this featuring as only sprites!
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