If you love the Sega Genesis, here are five games that you’ve got to have on your console.
NHL 94: Why? It’s still, to this day, quite possibly the greatest hockey game ever released. Even with better visuals and deeper modes from its younger brothers and sisters, there isn’t a more enjoyable NHL game out there.
Sonic 2: Why? Sonic changed the platformer genre forever, but two added Sonic’s dash and Tails, and no game has been able to touch its sense of style and speed since.
Vectorman: Why? It’s easily one of the best run and gun games ever released and sports an immense challenge and great tunes.
Aladdin: Why? There may not be a better 16-but Disney game out there.
Shadowrun: Why? It’s a Diamond in the rough of pen and paper titles that transitioned into video games. Add in its stellar use of 3D at the time and awesome story and it’s one game you won’t soon forget.
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