Dragon Rage: Cael’s Forgotten Tale
Dragon Rage’s main character Cael Cyndar may not be the most renowned personality in the history of the PlayStation 2, but he was an unsung hero of an era by former console maker turned developer in 3DO that looked to bring back simple, fun and old-school gameplay....5 WAYS TO BRING FUN HOME – by Patrick Hickey Jr.
The arcade experience is something you have to have lived through to truly understand. The clinking of change in your pockets as you played your favorite machines, all eating quarters at a breakneck pace. The sweat drips down your forehead and the grease accumulates...Five PS1 Games That Were Ahead of Their Time
Love the original PlayStation? So do we! Here are five PS1 games that we can all agree the world wasn’t ready for. Jumping Flash!: Why?: It was a first-person platformer that played like a FPS, but had characters that felt like a Ubisoft game. It was amazing. Dev...Five Modern Games/IP That Would Be Well-Served With Retro-Reboots
So many franchises today focus on delivering high-end visual experiences to tell their stories. They often forget that people played their games when visuals weren’t at a premium, because they were easy to play and had a level of fun needed to inspire long gameplay...Plugin by Social Author Bio