Quick Boxart by Mrv2k

It was only just the other day that we announced that JOTD was working on an Arcade to Commodore Amiga conversion of the classic game of ‘Galaxian’; a game that was regarded as an Arcade hit from all the way back to 1979-1984. Well we have some interesting news that’s just been sent to us by Saberman, as JOTD and team have made available a brand new beta play test; a downloadable version in which you too can experience this work in progress title that’s in development for the Commodore 500 and above.

As we said before, according to the wikpedia for this game. “Galaxian was Namco’s first major arcade video game hit. It was the second highest-grossing arcade game of 1979 and 1980 in Japan, and the second highest-grossing arcade game of 1980 in the United States, where it became one of the best-selling arcade games of all time with 50,000 arcade units sold by 1982. The game was celebrated for its gameplay and usage of true color graphics”. So yes certainly this could be a great game for the Commodore Amiga, and even more so as it’s being created by JOTD (Xevious 1200/Supercars 2 AGA).


  • – Jean-Francois Fabre (aka jotd): Z80 to 68k transcode, Amiga code and assets
  • – Mark McDougall (aka tcdev): Neo Geo code and assets (conversion)
  • – Scott Tunstall: Galaxian Z80 reverse engineering
  • – phx: ptplayer sound/music replay Amiga code
  • – blastar: NGFX SoundBuilder (Neo Geo sound tool)
  • – Namco: original game 🙂
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