Could you imagine gaming without handhelds? While that section of the market is still dominated by Nintendo today, that hasn’t always been the case. Way before the Nintendo Game Boy, there was a market for one-off handheld games made by Coleco and even Nintendo’s Game and Watch series that mystified gamers and made them wonder if they’d ever be able to take the arcade experience with them on the road. Now some 40 years later, and with the advent of devices able to emulate almost anything, the market has significantly changed, but that doesn’t mean the history of handheld gaming devices should be forgotten. If nothing else, the competition, once upon a time, was fierce, with heavyweights like SNK, Sony, Tiger, NEC, Bandai, and even Milton Bradley getting into the mix.
If you lived through it, it was a fun time. While teenagers now may not think it’s cool to play Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, or even Final Fantasy on the go, it was a game changer for so many of us and created a litany of memories that’ll never fade away.
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