The Amstrad CPC has certainly had its fair share of fun games announced this year, especially with so many available to download such as MR.WONG, Cracky, Renegade Reloaded, and even our personal favourite Revenge of Trasmoz! Well here’s another Amstrad news story to keep you company. As Saberman has informed us that Jean-Marie has released an enhanced version of Ocean’s classic game of ‘Sly Spy (Secret Agent)’ for the Amstrad CPC. In light of this news, not only do we have some footage of this enhancement, but we also have some information regarding the changes made to Sly Spy.

Here is what was said about this latest release via the cpcwiki forums. “Music ingame! 10 additional music : 1 music per level + ending game music. This is madness! I’ve used the 6 AYC files converted by Madram in 2013, and converted the remaining ones using the flawless YMCruncher (actually, I just had to press the button 🙂 ). Like for Spellbound, the excellent AYC Player from Overlanders and the music files are stored in the extra 64K bank. Thanks also to CNG for his compact & “all files” disc version, and Mr Guillaumin who maintains an impressive collection of Atari ST music files”.

Links :1) Forum 2) Download (Right click Save link as)

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