When it comes to announcing something from Allan Turvey, it’s usually a new game that’s just been announced such as the case with Asteroids RX, Percy Penguin or even Terrapins. But this time he’s decided to do something different, as in relation to the upcoming festive period, he is putting the word out for everyone in the ZX Spectrum community to not only support the charity Crisis at Christmas, but to also try out his brand new game SNOWED UNDER; an excellent new charity release ZX game from Allan Turvey & Andy Johns.

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It’s November 30th, and young Tim has made a terrible mistake. Tricked into opening a window on his advent calendar a day early by Santa’s evil brother, Krampus, he triggers an extra-dimensional portal and is pulled inside. He now finds himself not only trapped in a Christmas nightmare, but the only way to escape is to make his way through each day of the calendar collecting stars, while also avoiding all the nasty Krampus minions determined to stop him from reaching Christmas day!

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