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Do we have some great retro gaming news for you, as that legendary game character Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog game series, which appeared on multiple systems such as the the Sega Master System, Sega Megadrive and Sega Game Gear.  Has been released as a fan remake for Windows called Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit; a fully fledged fangame re-imagining of the Game Gear game Sonic Triple Trouble in the style of the Genesis and Sega Mega Drive Sonic classics.

Yes indeed thanks to a heads up via DSO Gaming, who mainly does triple AAA and Indie Games, we’ve been told that not only is this available to download right now, but the game features all levels and themes from Sonic Triple Trouble recreated in 16-Bit Style, new stage layouts, enemies, and gimmicks, 3D Special Stages, accurate colours and sounds from the Sega Genesis and Sega Mega Drive, 360 Sonic physics, switchable between Sonic and Tails in real time, and finally gamepad support. So yes if you loved Sonic, you are sure to love this new release of Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit for the PC!

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