If you love playing puzzle games, then you might like to play this new game by Carleton Handley called ‘Spinning Image’ for the Commodore 64. As in the words of the creator, “Spinning Image is a game where you gradually build up the image on the playfield to match the solution on the right of the screen. Blocks must be placed onto the board as well as being removed to help build up to completion”. To coincide with this news, Saberman has provided a gameplay video below.

Also as noted by the website “Spinning Image for the Commodore 64 has 50 levels to tackle which come in five sets of ten. The levels in a set can be tackled in any order but the following set is only unlocked when at least eight levels in its preceding set are solved. As you progress through the game further obstacles appear such as bouncing wall or portals. Can you complete all 50 images?”

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