The Amiga news just keep on coming, as thanks to another heads up earlier today from a good friend of ours, we have been told that Pixelplop has teased a new Commodore Amiga game of Sword & Sorcerer; A Zelda like game in which you have to traverse dangerous dungeons to find loot and keys! To coincide with this new Amiga news story, the creator has also shown some early footage of the game with the hero battling some of the enemies found in one of the many levels.

Here is what Pixelpop says about the game ” This is early test footage of a game I started making in the last week for the “Sword & Sorcery AmiGameJam 2022″ which finishes in less than 3 months time. It’s not a long time to make an Amiga game but hopefully I can make something worthwhile. Unfortunately that means I might have to put other projects on hold. But it’s already improving my code for when I get back to those other projects so all good. The game is being made using the Bartman/Abyss VisualStudioCode extension and my still in development Amiga/PC compatible game library”.

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