E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

It’s been called the worst video game of all time. Some people even credit it with causing the 1983 video game crash that nearly ruined the industry. A common legend surrounding the game is that it was so bad that Atari buried all of the unsold copies under a layer of...
Double Dare!

Double Dare!

If you were not fortunate enough to grow up in the 80s and 90s, you missed out on the golden age of Nickelodeon. Shows like You Can’t Do That On Television, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Hey Dude, Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Hey Arnold, and Are You Afraid of the Dark are...
Kool-Aid Man for the Atari 2600

Kool-Aid Man for the Atari 2600

Once upon a time, though you may not believe it, sugary, marshmallow filled breakfast cereals used to come with a toy hidden inside them. So did Cracker Jack, before they replaced it with a crumby sticker. In those way back times you could get all sorts of treasures...
Captain Skyhawk

Captain Skyhawk

If you are like me, you probably have halcyon childhood memories of Saturday mornings spent in front of your television, clutching an NES controller in your hands. Maybe you complimented the experience with a bowl of cold cereal (if you were an early riser) or a bag...