The world of video games is filled with many weird and wondrous things, digital creations that would make John Waters scratch his head and say, “Well, that seems like a bit much…” It is my goal, nay, it is my QUEST to find and document those games here in the...
A few months ago, I read a horror novel titled, “The Conqueror Worms” by Brian Keane. It tells the story of a world overrun by massive, worm-like creatures that are brought to the earth’s surface after a never ending deluge of rain. The book was the first of a series,...
Before The Sims, before Tamagotchi, there were Little Computer People. It’s hard to know what to say about Little Computer People. The concept was profoundly, wonderfully bizarre: Little people have been found living inside your computer. Players were given an open...
VIdeo games made from licensed films are notorious for their sketchy quality. Gameplay and graphics tend to be thrown together slap dash in an effort to capitalize on the film’s popularity before the public has moved on to the next big thing. So, it would be if gamers...