Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this story, “The Tale of Orpheo’s Curse.” For kids who grew up in the 1990s, “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” was practically a right of passage. Along with R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps books (the television series...
The term “film noir” traces back to 1946 and the French film critic Nino Frank. He used the phrase in an article titled, “A New Kind of Police Drama: the Criminal Adventure,” which focused on films like Double Indemnity, The Maltese Falcon, and Murder My Sweet. They...
Lamplight City by Grundislav Games is a time capsule. With the gameplay of Sierra point and click adventures and retro style pixel graphics, the game goes for your nostalgia from the get-go. The narrative drops the player right into the action of the 1800s style...
Disclaimer: I am obsessed with the Monkey Island series. Approximately 85% of my personality was lifted directly from the character of Guybrush Threepwood. The remaining 15% was culled from an odd stew of Saturday morning cartoons, the Indiana Jones movies, and the...