Perseus and Andromeda

Perseus and Andromeda

For as long as people have been gathering together, they have been telling stories. From the folktales told around the fireplace to the multi-million dollar blockbusters seen at the movies today, stories have always been a part of the human experience. Stories are...
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Don’t panic. Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s double check the essentials. Do you have a towel with you? A towel is the most massively useful item an interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Next, find your copy of “The Best Vogon Poems of 1984.” Once you’ve got that,...
Dungeon of Death: An RPG For The Commodore PET

Dungeon of Death: An RPG For The Commodore PET

I don’t remember the first text based adventure game I ever played. It seems like the sort of thing I should know given my love for the genre, but the title has vanished from my memory. Because of this I suspect, the games have attained something of a towering,...