Halloween is finally upon us. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been taking a tour through creepy, old video games, and I saved the most terrifying for last. For those who are unaware, coulrophobia is described as the “morbid fear of clowns.” Psychologists have looked at...
Today is Appreciate A Dragon Day, so why not pay a visit to an old video game built around the fire breathing beasts? There have been more than a few. Spyro and Skyrim leap immediately to mind, but I want to drift back a bit further in video game history. Let’s travel...
The Ark of the Covenant. The search for the Holy Grail. The Lost Dutchman’s Mine. All are legendary treasures that have inspired exhaustive quests. Epic literature, poems and folklore have been created about the subjects. Over the centuries, heroes and rogues have...
Robert Louis Stevenson published his classic novel Treasure Island in 1882, telling the story of Jim Hawkins, the pirate Long John Silver and their quest for buried gold. Almost 100 years later, the book would serve as the inspiration for the classic adventure game...
I adore the old, black and white monster movies. Films like Frankenstein, King Kong, and even clunkers like Gamera are some of my favorite cinematic experiences. Given the choice between Citizen Kane and Creature from the Black Lagoon, I’ll pick the creature feature...