Welcome to a new segment of Old School Gamer Magazine called Switch it Up.  In this column, I will be reviewing new games for the Nintendo Switch that we believe is deemed worthy of conversation. These games will have either the 8-bit, 16-bit, 64-bit or the classic reboot feel. But there may be some games that slip in here just because they are down right AWESOME to talk about. But we will try to keep it to the format J


The reason for doing something to this matter is because, as I have mentioned in the past, the Nintendo Switch has become the most flexible system when it comes to open source codes. New games are coming out on a daily basis and it is almost impossible to keep up with everything. The best part is, some games can be as much as $15.00. But I have picked up games for as little as .05.  Yes, for a nickel, you can play a game for a little bit, hate it and say, “Hey, that was cheaper than playing at the arcade!” So with the source opened up, it gives all of these companies the ability to create their own little world in any style they want. Yes, there have been some games that you ask why, but then there are the games that you say why not? That is basically what this column is for. Most of the time, this will appear online, but there may be some that appear in the magazine as well.  Keep your eyes open and enjoy.  With that I give you…….

Wunderling – By: Retroid

In a perfect world of gaming we are always the good guy.  But sometimes that just isn’t enough. Sure, there are games like Wario and Donkey Kong, but it is nice to think outside the box sometimes. Enter Wunderling.

At the beginning of the game, you play the hero, Carrot Man, and try to rescue Princess Pea.. But don’t worry, it’s all part of the plot. But then the sorceress Kohlrabi feels sorry for the minions of the land and revives you and gives you the ability to jump and go after Carrot Man.  Carrot Man has 3 lives and you must defeat him. Yeah sounds easy, but it’s not.

The controls couldn’t be any more basic. You have your jump button, the button to allow you to dash at a later level and the self-destruct button. But the best part about the game is that extra lives are for posers. You can die as many times as you need to. Mark my words, you will. While you don’t have to deal with creatures to avoid, you do however have to deal with spikes, water and the deep dark abyss. There are no control motions for this game of going left and right. The only way you do that is by hitting the wall and going the opposite direction. But the main goal of each level is to get to the portal and then fight against Carrot Man, who only has three lives. his game is all a matter of timing and there is a bit of puzzle in it too.

This game is frustrating, but at the same time it is fun.. First of all, don’t take it serious or you may throw your controller….(Guilty). But after calming down, I realized that it was just a game and hey, hitting the self-destruct button was actually more fun if I was going to die anyway. I never did finish this game, but it is a great homage to the classic 8 bit platform games.  When I originally saw this game, I was unaware that it was just a jumper so it was a nice change of pace from what I have played in the past. It almost reminded me of Necromancer, but with that game you could only go left and right but couldn’t jump. Like I said, that was the nice thing about the Nintendo Switch, it gives any company the chance to try something new and different. This was definitely different!




Brad Feingold Brad Feingold (118 Posts)

Brad has been a die hard arcade fan ever since he can remember. From the first time he played Space Invaders, to the first time he played Pacman, Brad has always had a love for video games. Hanging out at either the Great American Fun Factory in the mall, or spending the night in front of the glowing games at the local roller rink, he was always thinking about when he can spend the next quarter. He also worked at Babbages, which is now GameStop, for over six years. Mostly because they had a really sweet checkout policy on new products and great discounts. But since he had the Atari 2600, he has never looked back and owned some of the greatest home machines, NES, SNES, GENESIS, Turbo Graphix 16, GameBoy, Game Gear, Lynx, Playsation 1,2,3,4 and Vita, XBOX, Gamecube, and N64...just to name a few. Brad is also a reviewer for Mobile Beat Magazine as well as a freelance videographer, part time disc jockey, performing artist and photographer. But has a true love is for video games and Star Wars, as he is a member of the 501st Central Garrison. His ultimate dream is to own a fully working pinball machine and arcade machine. Difficult to say which one, but a Star Wars one would be nice start.