As we all frantically get ready to celebrate, it’s difficult to avoid the seasonal bombardment of the usual yuletide media: Christmas music, Christmas films, Christmas-themed episodes of TV shows, and Christmas books to a much lesser extent. But what about...
Christmas is here and you’d expect to see lots of Christmas themed games appearing on Indie Retro News in the lead up to the 25th. Well that’s certainly happening this week, as the first game to be mentioned on our site is a Christmas game by Vector5games...
Getting presents nowadays isn’t what it used to be. Mostly because a lot of us retro gamers are now older. Some have families, jobs, responsibilities that take us away from our favorite pastime. Of course with jobs comes the money to buy games we always...
Last year I talked about how my parents made a mix-up about which console I wanted for Christmas one year. This year I want to talk about one of the most memorable Christmas mornings I have ever had in my entire life. However, instead of video games, this one...
Christmas time and video games practically go hand in hand. New consoles are launched around November aiming to be the top spot on people’s lists, games go on sale and a few new ones are released, it truly is a wonderful time of year for gamers. Now this can...