Legendary DK Rap Composer Disappointed He’s Missing From Mario Movie Credits The Super Mario Bros. Movie is finally out and we are preparing for the internet to soon become awash with hidden references and spoiler talk. One of the film’s aspects...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is an upcoming computer-animated fantasy film based on the Nintendo video game franchise Mario. Produced by Illumination with financing from Universal Pictures and Nintendo, and distributed by Universal, it is directed by Aaron Horvath and...
When you hear “Donkey Kong”, I’m sure a few games spring to mind. The original arcade game that spawned the platformer genre and Mario’s first appearance, perhaps? Maybe the SNES Country games? It would be quite surprising if the first game out of a Nintendo fan’s...
Super Mario fans who are currently waiting for their first look at Chris Pratt as the iconic plumber in the upcoming film from Minions production house Illumination, you might be waiting a while for the trailer. But you can at least pass the time with a new realistic...
In recent months news stories have circulated all over the internet on old retro games being sold for millions upon millions of dollars. I first found out about this when news broke that a sealed Super Mario 64 game sold for over 1.5 million. The news struck me as...