WE HAVE EXPANDED TO A MASSIVE 100,000 SQ FT SHOW FLOOR FOR THIS YEAR’S EVENT!! The Pinball Expo will be expanding its show floor to 100,000 sq. ft. and celebrating its 40th year as the longest running pinball show. The event, which takes place Oct. 17-19th, will...
Now I’ll be shifting focus from competition to game development, as I continue to share stories with life-lesson takeaways to highlight how some of my successes in gaming were made possible. I’ve been involved in a wide variety of disciplines, but it all comes from a...
Pinball has a long and varied history, with roots that stretch back hundreds of years. In the 18th century, the game Billard japonais (Japanese billiards) introduced the spring launcher that is a staple of all modern pinball machines. A little under 200 years later,...
Making Sense of the Pieces and Bits Have you ever wondered why the numbers in the names of today’s consoles have more to do with the generation of the hardware family than they do processing power? Let’s cut to the chase on this one – technology has surpassed...