It’s time to move away from the Platform genre and look towards classic Puzzle games for our retro fun, as if you loved the 1984 game of Tetris , you’ll be pleased to know that as of today you can download the very latest Tetris clone of...
From the moment I put my hand on the controller and made Simon Belmont walk from place to place in Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest, I was hooked; and I would be with almost every other game in the series that came before and after it. I’ve played and...
I just recently attended Combo Breaker in St. Charles, IL and while I was mostly there to witness the fights and cover the event for Old School Gamer Magazine, I was excited to see what vendors would be there offering merchandise. While most of the merchandise at the...
As we tour the Cabinet of Curiosities, we will see all manner of oddities. There is a special section reserved just for product promotions, such as Yo! Noid, the Domino’s Noid video game, and Kool-Aid Man, the Atari game featuring…the Kool-Aid Man. All of this...
In his classic book on kenjutsu, The Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi wrote, “…in a fight to the death, one wants to employ all one’s weapons to the utmost. I must say that to die with one’s sword still sheathed is most regrettable.” Growing up, I had many...