Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Doc Mack who currently is displayed on card number 483, from the Superstars of 2013 Collection. Doc is the owner of an arcade in Brookfield, IL called The Galloping Ghost Arcade. This is not your ordinary arcade of today;...
WALTER DAY’S GAMING SUPERSTARS: VOLUME TWO On Sale! Paperback NOW Available! For a limited time, Volume two of the Walter Day Gaming Superstars hardcover book will be the low price of $25.68. The newly released paperback is being sold for $17.99 To Order Book...
Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day CLICK – The Walter Day Trading Card Collection History of Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day Original trade cards were used to stiffen the packaging of cigarettes, and they were advertising cards. In the 1860s, baseball cards...
On the heals of the 2024 Midwest Gaming Classic we look back at my interview with Dan Loosen. This interview was done on December 3rd, 2015. Thanks to Dan for giving his time for the Interview. Hope you enjoy and be sure to go to the Midwest Gaming Classic this...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Jason Newman, who is displayed on card number 2589, from the Superstars of 2016 Collection. Jason is a multiple Ridge Racer world record holder on multiple platforms including the arcade version. His love for the game keeps...