Remember when we gave you the heads up that the Ultimate Play the Game’s famous classic Atic Atac, was not only being remade for the PC, ZX Spectrum Next and ZX Spectrum 128k? Well there’s great news for this very early hour, as after checking their...
Not satisfied with the amount of games posted and think more are needed! Then how about this game then it’s ‘Chez Maxime’. A brand new ZX Spectrum remaster from Highrise and Gabriele Amore, as a game that was regarded by many including ARG as a...
I’m sure many of you remember Street Fighter, a game which originally appeared on the Arcades, and was then ported to pretty much every system you could think of, including such systems as the Amiga, Atari St and even the ZX Spectrum. Well fast forward to today...
Another retro gaming news story has appeared in our inbox, as Saberman was kind enough to let us know through Facebook, that if you’re looking for a Dragon Ball inspired platformer for your ZX Spectrum, then you might like to play Junterlart’s new speccy...
Yet another Space Invaders game has appeared in our Indie Retro News inbox, as we’ve recently informed through Facebook, that the classic game of Space Invaders which was previously in development by SplinterGU for the ZX Spectrum NEXT, has now been released....